The Busse campaign stop was impressive and inspiring! His campaign is taking back Montana one visit at a time.
The Tobacco Valley was his 111th campaign stop since last fall. Twenty people were in attendance and we would love to see more!
So after 42,000 miles on the road, Ryan has dialed in on his message. Here are some highlights:
Gianforte has not made many friends in his first term, his approval rating is around 36%. People are hungry for a change.
Ryan wants to change the Legislative focus from finding reasons to divide Montanans using culture war messaging to finding reasons and ways to help us.
Ryan is a Montana Constitutionalist. His #1 goal is to protect our Constitutional right to privacy and especially where it applies to bodily autonomy, women's healthcare and the right to have an abortion. The right to a clean and healthy environment and equal access to a high quality public education are also vital Constitutional rights. Ryan’s son Lander was a plaintiff in the Montana Supreme Court case which prevailed in protecting the right to a clean and healthy environment.
Also vitally important is maintaining our access to public lands. Gianforte has the unfortunate notoriety of being the only current Governor ever to have sued to prevent stream access at a public crossing on his land.
Equal Access to public education that is well-funded is the primary way to make Montana kids competitive in the world and give them the kind of education that will allow them to return and remain in Montana to contribute to their communities. Gianforte’s goal is to take public funding and contribute it to charter schools which will only be available in large communities.
Lower private property taxes and shift the burden back to large corporations. While our private property taxes took a steep increase, big Corporations like Northwestern Energy received a $36 million tax break, the CEO got a pay raise to over $3 million and he lives in South Dakota so no income taxes to benefit our Montana communities. The Montana Dept of Revenue informed Gianforte and the Republican majority back last fall that if they didn’t stop the large increase with a simple piece of legislation, the private property taxes would go up dramatically. Four previous governors (both Democrats and Republicans) have taken this action. You all know the end result. Somehow Gianforte’s taxes remained mostly the same while neighboring land owners with similar acreages went up dramatically.
Ryan believes that affordable housing starts with reducing the burden of ever increasing property taxes and coming up with creative solutions like developments that subsidize housing for our community heroes - teachers, nurses, firefighters, police, etc.
Lincoln County Democrats hope that you will join us for the next campaign stop from each and every one of our hard working candidates. They need to see us and hear from us and know we support them up here in Northwest Montana.